White Bass Fishing White Bass Fishing

White Bass Fishing: Tips, Techniques, and Gadgets [2021]

Fishing is all just a game of luck and tricks. Unlike other fishing methods, white bass fishing is way less risky and worth the wait. If you are lucky enough and you get a chance to encounter a blast of these line-sided bulls, you will be the happiest person on earth.

But remember, you should not only rely on luck, as we mentioned, but you also have to use gadgets and techniques. You must be smart enough to get a mass of white bass for dinner on your table. Well, this article is precisely the place where you would be learning white bass fishing.

Let’s get straight into this!

White Bass Fishing: Overview

White bass, a member of the temperate bass family, is usually a 12-15 inches long fish and is silver-white to pale yellow with a dark back. They live up to 10 years and grow fast. White bass is considered to be an easy catch and is usually called schooling fish.

Bass fishing does not require much energy and power. Once you get them hooked, there are very few chances that you will not make it till the end. Mostly, they can be found in open water and are very lightweight.

Depending on their size, you can target them using a light tackle of almost 7 to 11 lbs. Spin or bait cast techniques almost work every time.

White Bass Fish Habitat

White bass lives primarily in lakes, ponds, pools, and usually in rivers ranging from small to large sizes. They keep themselves away from muddy water or the same plant-populated areas in the water.

Bass fish normally reproduce at a specific temperature and environment. Usually, 14 degrees Celsius is the suitable temperature for them.

Where to Troll

Most people get confused while hunting white bass. The confusion is that some anglers found white bass in the bottom of the water. Many think it is present at the bottom of the waters, and they use techniques suitable for bottom water fishing.

To have a full meal of white bass, you must locate their school first. In spring, their concentration in smaller creeks is the best point to hit on. For getting the position of these points, observing the surface activity like boils or diving birds can help locate their schools.

Another trick is that they only eat the things above them or at their level, so always hook them accordingly. You’ll need fine gadgets to get a good mass of white bass.

How-to Guide to White Bass Fishing

White bass fishing is almost similar to general fishing, with a few exceptions. This guide will discuss how to go for bass fishing and what techniques to catch white bass. Here we also have some tips for you, so read it entirely.

Find Exact Location of White Bass

White bass rarely goes to deeper waters, and most of the time, it remains about three to four feet above the ground surface. So, it is better not to keep searching for white bass in the bottom. Also, you don’t need to go to deeper waters.

Take Multiple Rods

Always keep more than one rod with you wherever you go fishing for white bass. Your rod may deceive you any time by any slightest problem. Also, it is better to keep several rods suitable for different water conditions and depths. Multiple rods also help you get more fish in less time.

Be Patient

Fishing is a time taking game. It takes time for a fish to detect the food over your hook and then bite it. However, bass fish take more time to bite on the food placed over the hook. It first tastes the food and then decides whether to bite or not. Always use the favorite food of the bass.

Do Complete Preparations

Whenever you go out fishing a white bass, make sure you have fully prepared yourself. If you are going to fish in the sea or ocean, preparation is more crucial. Once you get into the sea, you can’t come back for a single gear left behind. So, make sure you have a fully prepared gearbox.

Personal Safety

Last but not least, your safety is more important than catching white bass. So, twice check all the safety precautions before you head on to your target area. Ensure you have the first aid box, a life jacket, a pair of knives, and PFDs (Personal Floatation Devices).

Gadgets For White Bass Fishing

Besides using techniques, you need to have the right gear for catching white bass. If you ever had an experience of catching bass, you would know that the best gadgets make fishing easier. Here we will discuss the essential and additional gadgets required for white bass fishing.

Essential Gadgets

Some gadgets are essential, without which you can not catch the white bass. These include a rod, line, reel, and bait or a lure. These are the necessary gears that everyone knows. A boat may also be an essential gadget if you are going to fish in the sea.

Additional Gadgets

Additional gadgets are also crucial for your safety and an incredible fishing experience. However, it is possible to catch white bass without these. A first aid box, a pair of sunglasses, and wind and waterproof clothes are the additional gadgets you must take.

Besides these, many other gadgets make you feel easier while fishing. For example, you may take a motorboat instead of a paddle boat and a Sonar fish finder to locate fish underwater. You may also take a neck hanging fan and advanced camping accessories if you may plan further.

Lures and Baits For Bass Fishing

White bass is usually a fan of shads, but they will eat worms as well. You have to find a school of them and put in anything that resembles shad. Trolling them with various lures also works sometimes.


Most anglers prefer to use lures because of the flexibility to use them several times. Some lures spin under the water to create a current of waves that attracts the fish. So, they are the right option to have for catching bass.

For white bass, you can go for spinning lures, artificial jigs, and small spoons. Nowadays, anglers prefer using lures like Mepps Spinner, Mann’s Little George, and Blackmore Road Runner. However, if you don’t have lures, you can also try several baits.


Baits differ from lures because they may be any food with a scent that attracts the fish. You can use a worm, a piece of food, or other tiny insects. When fishing for white bass, we’ve discovered that Trout flavored Powerbaits and Turbo Dough work well.

Also, ready-made baits are available in bright colors and have an attractive odor to attract the fish. Professional anglers use top-quality baits, such as spinnerbaits, Chatterbaits, Jigs, Worms, and Crankbaits.

White Bass Fishing At Night

White bass fishing at night is fascinating and fun to experience. Usually, there are many surface activities like boating, which causes disturbances and makes fishing difficult. Fishing at this time proves to be very peaceful and relaxing because white bass goes on binge feeding.

The important widgets and tools to keep during night fishing include a dual-beam sonar device with a GPS to locate the shoreline and your location and night light. As we mentioned above, electric motor boats are essential. A 12-volt electric motor is enough to go without scaring the target.

You should use a low light during nighttime as bright light will cause the bass fish to get afraid. It is usually found at maximum in the early morning or late evening when it gets dark. Nighttime bass fishing is very peaceful and incredible on vacations with family.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is white bass good to eat?

White bass is healthy to eat, but only if you cook it subtly. If you want to remove the intense taste of white bass, You can cut certain parts before cooking. But white bass is delicious and healthy to eat.

Where can I find white bass?

You can find white bass commonly throughout the United States, especially Midwest. Pennsylvania also has a range of white bass production.

South Dakota is also considered the native habitat of white bass. An abundant amount of white bass is present in Oklahoma and in the rivers that drown in Mississippi.

What colors do white bass like?

The eye of the bass shows attraction towards red and primarily green colors. Their cellular composition is in such a way that they get attracted to these colors. So it is always a wise choice to select lures of green and red color.

Are white bass fun to catch?

White bass fishing is an amusing and exciting thing to do. Bass fishes are easy to prey on, and the most fun part is they always march in groups. So by locating a group of bass bulls, one can make a fortune out of it.

Also, it is straightforward to lure them. Artificial lures also work fine. It is fun to do with the family on vacation as there are many spots you can hook at to catch them.

How do you get the fishy taste out of white bass?

White bass is delicious and healthy, no doubt, but only if cooked well. In many cases, soaking the fish in a teaspoon of baking soda for an hour or two is the best approach. Other than this, you can use salt water or lemon water to get that fishy taste out.

An old traditional way is to bleed white bass and remove the mud vein to get rid of that fish taste. There are also other methods, but we believe this one could be worth trying.

Are white bass and sand bass the same?

Yes, white bass and sand bass are quite the same. Most people call them by only one name. The truth is they are the same. White/sand bass are much-underrated species of fish found in clear and freshwater.

How do you cook white bass?

Before cooking a white bass, the most crucial part is to clean them off. White bass is almost everyone’s favorite to fish, and of course, it is tasty and healthy to eat. To maintain its taste, you should cook it right away.

Usually, people serve it without heavy sauces to enhance its taste. As most white basses do not have bones, they are effortless to cook and eat. Just keep in mind not to overcook bass whether it is fresh or store-bought.

First of all, cut off the head, tail, and fins. Then, open it up to remove the guts. After this, wash it properly. Next, tap it with a dry towel. Seasoning it with salt and pepper increases the taste.

Finally, you can cook it according to the taste and mood. You can grill it to make steaks. Some people like it deep-fried or even gravy cooked as other dishes.

Final Remarks

Well, that was all about the guidelines and dos and don’ts of white bass fishing. It is simple, and one can learn it quickly. Usually, youngsters learn bass fishing first as it is easy and less risky. An angler can easily catch tons of white bass with the correct approach and gadgets.

White bass is usually of 19 kinds, based on their habitat and living environment. But the trick is always the same; locate them correctly and use good lures to catch the bass.